Often discussed in the dating/shidduch scene... "so what would you describe your hashkafa as?" "what kind of boy are you looking for?" "hashkafically, where do you fit in" Basically all these questions are asking is: Hat or no hat? TV or no TV? Jeans? Kakhis? Tights? ....forgive me, but I think this is all quite meaningless. Is it important to determine whether you want a TV in your home? Absolutely! That will most definitely dictate what kind of guy or girl you date and what kind of home you lead...actually, I think it's probably the most (and only?) substantial question I listed above, but still, pretty much meaningless as far as hashkafa goes.
(An idea originally heard from R' Leib Kelemen) Hashkafa was not given over at Har Sinai. The only thing given to us, as yidden, at מתן תורה was the Torah itself (Halacha). Any so-called hashkafa must be first fully based in halacha, and if it is not, then that hashkafa can be considered FALSE! I'm not hear to fight the whole labeling thing. While I don't like it, it isn't changing. The world works better when things can be boxed up and shipped out, with clearly delineated lines. The fact that most of us, especially those who have gone the BT route and have experienced the multi-faceted range of frumkeit, don't fit these boxes does make things difficult. But it's up to each person individually to establish his (or her) hashkafa as deeply personal and firmly rooted in halacha. When you're following halacha, you're following d'var Hashem, and not much can go wrong when you take that route.
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