So here's some background. I'm a frum twenty-something girl living on the East Coast, trying to make sense of my life and the world. [Usually in that order, but sometimes I get a little crazy]. I've got lots of thoughts running through my head all trying to get out, so I chose to share them here. Feel free to agree; or disagree. These are my thoughts, and you're entitled to your own as well. I am single, and as such, many of my posts and thoughts relate to how I am trying (quite hard mind you) to make the best of my situation. I am neither "modern" nor "yeshivish", "chassidish" nor "litvish". My posts may reflect any and all of these so-called hashkafos. Don't talk to me about boxes. I do not like them. What am I? A frum yid trying to follow HaShem's laws in the best way possible for myself and for the world around me.
The title: a common theme of my life recently- I'm trying to make my way up; closer to HaShem; up and out of the frustrations of my life as is. I don't think that moving my way from one nisayon to the next is quite helpful (which is how I feel it's been going for a while) if I'm hanging out at the same relative 'level'. I much prefer, ideally, to move upward from one to the next. This is the only way they can take on more meaning and I'm experiencing them the way the Holy One intended them-- as vehicles for our own growth. Still, I can't say I'm always successful.
These posts will most definitely not be anything regular. They might be my observations, own ideas or things I've heard/read and want to share.
...moving on up...
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